[Returns: -10%] Venice Heat Patio Heater

£ 223.99
Original price: £ 249.99 -10%
(incl. VAT)
Product number: 52032517
Venice Heat Patio Heater
£ 223.99
Original price: £ 249.99 -10%
(incl. VAT)
  • Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
  • Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear

Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty

Top features

  • IR ComfortHeat: practical & efficient patio heater with up to 1800 W power

  • Easy to attach: simple hanging mechanism for all ceilings

  • Easy control: simple switching on and off with remote control


  • Protection class: IP24 (protection against foreign bodies from 12.5 Ø / splash-proof)
  • For outdoor use only
  • Includes remote control
  • 3 power levels: 800, 1000 or 1800W
  • Power supply: 220-240 V ~ / 50-60 H
  Product number: 52032517

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions: approx. 60 x 24.5 cm (ØxH)
  • Length of chain: approx. 60 cm
  • Power cord length: 180 cm
  • Minimum distance on the sides: 25 cm
  • Minimum distance to the ceiling: 50 cm
  • Minimum distance to the floor: 180 cm
  • Weight: 4.2 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x heater
  • 1 x remote control
  • 1 x chain
  • 4 x cable ties
  • Operating instructions in English (other languages: German, Spanish, French, Italian)

Delivery & shipment

Low stock - order quickly!

Shipping time: 6 - 8 days

Customer reviews
39 Ratings

So pleased with this beautiful light and heater ,delivered with care,and a very good price,thank you


So pleased with this beautiful light and heater ,delivered with care,and a very good price,thank you


So pleased with this beautiful light and heater ,delivered with care,and a very good price,thank you


Genau das Richtige Genau wie beschrieben, tolles Produkt

Just the right thing Exactly as described, great product


Dopo tre anni di utilizzo posso confermare che è un ottimo prodotto. Aumenta l’utilizzo degli spazi aperti in autunno e permette di riutilizzarli prima di quanto la temperatura non permetta. Bisogna avere consapevolezza che per raggio di azione e per watt espressi NON potrà mai scaldare quanto i funghi riscaldanti dei dehor. Ma se uno lo sa non potrà rimanere deluso.

After three years of use I can confirm that it is an excellent product. It increases the use of open spaces in autumn and allows you to reuse them earlier than the temperature allows. You have to be aware that for range and watts expressed it will NEVER be able to heat as much as the outdoor heating mushrooms. But if you know this you will not be disappointed.


Ottimo prodotto di qualità costruito bene! Scalda tanto e costa anche poco!

Great quality product well built! It heats a lot and it is also cheap!


Wir sind zufrieden, optisch schön und Wärme bringts auch. Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden. Fernbedienung ist praktisch

We are satisfied, it looks nice and it also brings warmth. The media could not be loaded. The remote control is practical


Perfekt! Genial, anfangs war ich etwas überrascht, weil es sehr gross ist, sieht aber mit dem Schirm wirklich hübsch aus und wirkt gar nicht wie eine Heizlampe. Ich nutze sie über meinem Massagetisch, macht eine wunderbare Wärme (2 Heizstufen) und vor allem geräuschlos. Das Licht kann man zuschalten, muss man aber nicht. Die Fernbedienung nutze ich nicht, da ich sowieso gleich drunter stehe, kann am Gerät ganz einfach per Touch bedient werden. Wir haben es an der Deckenlampe angeschlossen, das Kabel wäre sehr kurz, um es so zu verlegen, dass es sauber aussieht. Schöner wäre es noch, wenn das Kabel ebenfalls weiss wäre, aber das ist Ansichtssache.

Perfect! Brilliant, I was a bit surprised at first because it is very big, but with the shade it looks really pretty and doesn't look like a heating lamp at all. I use it above my massage table, it gives off wonderful warmth (2 heat settings) and above all it is silent. You can switch on the light, but you don't have to. I don't use the remote control because I stand directly underneath it anyway, the device can be operated very easily by touch. We connected it to the ceiling light, the cable would be very short so that it would look neat. It would be nicer if the cable were also white, but that is a matter of opinion.


besser als erwartet wollte nicht ganz so viel ausgeben und bin auf diesen Wärmestrahler gestoßen, Bekannte haben einen ähnlichen, der allerdings teurer war. Habe bei der Wärmeleistung keinen Unterschied feststellen können. Würde mich wieder für diesen Heizstrahler entscheiden

better than expected, didn't want to spend quite so much and came across this radiant heater, friends have a similar one, but it was more expensive. I couldn't notice any difference in the heat output. Would choose this radiant heater again


Super zufrieden Tolle Lampe mit Heitzfunktion. Genau das was wir gesucht haben.

Very satisfied. Great lamp with heating function. Exactly what we were looking for.





Super hat mir sehr gut gefallen, auch die wärme Leistung geht

I really liked it, the heat output is also


Sehr schöne Lampe mit Heizung Die Heizung ist für unsere Terrasse perfekt. Schade nur das man die eingebaute Lampe nicht dimmen kann. Habe sie anstelle einer normalen Lampe aufgehängt. Dazu musste ich statt der original Lampe eine Steckdose an die Decke montieren.

Very nice lamp with heater The heater is perfect for our terrace. It's just a shame that you can't dim the built-in lamp. I hung it up instead of a normal lamp. I had to mount a socket on the ceiling instead of the original lamp.


Molto comodo e anche gradevole messo in veranda riscalda tantissimo

Very comfortable and also pleasant to place on the veranda, it heats up a lot


Nicht das, was viele Rezessionen versprechen Nach den Rezessionen hatte ich die Befürchtung, dass die Leistung zu hoch bzw. die Leistungsabstufung zu gering ist. Ich nutze die Infrarotheizlampe in einem sog. kalten Wintergarten und habe mich u.a. wegen der Carbonheizspirale dafür entschieden. Das Produkt ist wertig verarbeitet und optisch hübsch. Die Aufhängung ist stabil und einfach. Bedenken regten sich bei mir, da ich die Heizlampe unter einem Holzbalkon hängen habe und ich den Abstand von 50 cm nicht einhalten kann. Auch der freie Abstand unter dem Schirm beträgt nicht 1,80 m, da hier ein Holztisch steht. Daher nur 1,30 m Abstand. Nun zum Praxistest. Bei 8° Temperatur beide Kreise angeschaltet, daher volle Leistung mit 1800 Watt. Die Leistung ist nach einiger Zeit vorhanden und kann am Tisch sitzend als angenehm empfunden werden, könnte aber gerne wärmer sein. Nach 45 Minuten Prüfung der Abstrahlungswärme zur Seite und nach oben. Kurz oberhalb des Schirms ist bereits kaum mehr eine Abstrahlung festzustellen und daher dürfte der Abstand von 50 cm irrelevant sein. Ebenso zur Seite. Bereits am Schirm außen ist keine heiße Abstrahlung spürbar, daher sind die weiteren 25 cm zum Schirm hinzu wohl eher weitere fiktive Sicherheit. Nach unten ist festzustellen, dass unser Holztisch in ca. 110cm Entfernung UK Schirm nur leicht warm wurde. Der Schirm sollte dennoch wegen eines freien Durchgangs so hoch hängen, dass niemand mit dem Kopf anstößt - daher vielleicht die Angabe von 180 cm. Nach 45 Min erfolgte ein zurückschalten auf Stufe 2 mit 1000 Watt. Das war uns dann zu wenig warm, so dass man nach einiger Zeit wieder die volle Leistung abrufen musste. Warum wird das von mir kritisiert? Wir haben einen Infrarotheizstrahler der Fa. Veito, Carbontechnik mit ebenfalls 1800 Watt. Den hatten wir zur Probe vorab über dem Tisch aufgehängt. Hier mussten wir bei 1800 Watt die Leistung reduzieren, weil uns das zu warm wurde. Eine ähnliche Leistung hatten wir nun auch von dem Blumfeldt Venice erwartet, was bei weitem nicht zutrifft. Die Folge ist, dass die Betriebskosten des Blumfeldt mit ca. 70 Ct/Std. ausfallen, wogegen der Veito nur die Hälfte braucht. Zweites Manko. Bei Veito habe ich noch eine Leistungsreserve für noch kältere Temperaturen, was ich bei Blumfeldt nicht habe. Warum behalten wir ihn trotzdem? Der Veito oder ähnliche Geräte sehnen nicht wohnlich genug aus. Hier punktet der Blumfeldt. Ein anderes, dem Blumfeldt entsprechendes Gerät konnte ich leider noch nicht finden. Unt

Not what many reviews promise After the reviews, I was worried that the output would be too high or the output gradation too low. I use the infrared heating lamp in a so-called cold conservatory and chose it because of the carbon heating coil, among other things. The product is of high quality and looks nice. The suspension is stable and simple. I was concerned because I have the heating lamp hanging under a wooden balcony and I cannot maintain the 50 cm distance. The free space under the umbrella is also not 1.80 m because there is a wooden table here. Therefore only 1.30 m distance. Now for the practical test. At 8° both circuits switched on, therefore full power with 1800 watts. The power is there after a while and can be perceived as pleasant when sitting at the table, but could be warmer. After 45 minutes, check the heat radiated to the side and upwards. Just above the umbrella there is hardly any radiation anymore and so the distance of 50 cm is probably irrelevant. The same goes to the side. Even on the outside of the umbrella there is no hot radiation noticeable, so the additional 25 cm to the umbrella is probably more of a fictitious safety net. Looking below it can be seen that our wooden table around 110cm from the umbrella only got slightly warm. However, to ensure there is free passage the umbrella should hang high enough that no one hits their head on it - hence perhaps the specification of 180 cm. After 45 minutes it was switched back to level 2 with 1000 watts. That was not warm enough for us, so after a while we had to use the full power again. Why am I criticizing this? We have an infrared heater from Veito, Carbontechnik, also with 1800 watts. We hung this above the table beforehand to test it. Here we had to reduce the power to 1800 watts because it was too warm for us. We had expected a similar performance from the Blumfeldt Venice, but this is far from the case. The result is that the operating costs of the Blumfeldt are around 70 cents/hour, whereas the Veito only needs half that. Second drawback. With Veito I still have a power reserve for even colder temperatures, which I don't have with Blumfeldt. Why are we keeping it anyway? The Veito or similar devices don't look homely enough. This is where the Blumfeldt scores. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find another device that matches the Blumfeldt.


Voll zufrieden Top

Completely satisfied Top


Besser geht's nicht Das beste was ich seit langem gekauft habe. Style, Qualität, Bedienung alles TOPP

It couldn't be better. The best thing I've bought in a long time. Style, quality, operation, everything TOP


Ganz ordentlich Heizung funktioniert super. Das Licht ist allerdings dürftig. Mal schauen ob man das Leuchtmittel tauschen kann.

The heating is decent and works great. The light is poor though. Let's see if we can replace the bulb.


Bella l’estetica, molto utile per stare seduti al tavolo in compagnia nelle fresche serate

Nice aesthetics, very useful for sitting at the table in company on cool evenings


Dopo più di 1 anno che lo utilizzo posso affermare che è un prodotto utile e ben fatto. Si trova appeso nel mio pergolato coperto. Anche in questo inverno freddo ed umido ci ha consentito di stare tranquillamente fuori seduti in poltrona al calduccio. È bellissima la sensazione di calore "che pervade completamente". Esteticamente è un lampadario a sospensione lineare e gradevole che si inserisce facilmente in qualunque arredamento. Ottimo acquisto che consiglio.

After more than 1 year of using it I can say that it is a useful and well-made product. It is hanging in my covered pergola. Even in this cold and humid winter it has allowed us to stay outside sitting in a warm armchair. The sensation of heat "that pervades completely" is beautiful. Aesthetically it is a linear and pleasant pendant lamp that fits easily into any decor. Excellent purchase that I recommend.


Tolle Optik Sieht sehr gut aus und die Wärmeleistung ist in der unmittelbaren Nähe wunderbar! Das entspricht unserem Bedarf. Bei mehreren Gästen reicht es natürlich nicht aus, ist ja völlig klar!

Great look Looks very good and the heat output is wonderful in the immediate vicinity! This meets our needs. Of course, it is not enough for several guests, that's quite clear!


Für Terrassen mit Überdachung sehr gut geeignet. Der Heizstrahler sieht wirklich super aus und ist sehr gut verarbeitet. Die Heizleistung ist gut und kann dosiert werden.

Very suitable for terraces with a roof. The heater looks really great and is very well made. The heating output is good and can be dosed.


Sehr zufrieden Sehr gutes Produkt. Wir haben bereits ein halbes Jahr das Vergnügen mit dem Heizstrahler. Zweistufige Heizleistung und ansprechendes, modernes Design!

Very satisfied. Very good product. We have been enjoying the heater for half a year now. Two-stage heating performance and attractive, modern design!


Prodotto ottimo e funzionale. Carina anche l’estetica

Excellent and functional product. Nice aesthetics too


Sehr schöne Lampe Sehr schöne Lampe, einfach anzuschließen und hübsch anzusehen. Vielen Dank!

Very nice lamp Very nice lamp, easy to connect and nice to look at. Thank you very much!


Erwartungen übertroffen Dieser Terrassenheizstrahler übertrifft unsere Erwartungen. Durch den Lampenschirm wirkt er sehr stilvoll. Licht und Wärme sind an kühleren Abenden einfach gemütlich!

Expectations exceeded This patio heater exceeded our expectations. The lampshade makes it look very stylish. Light and warmth are simply cozy on cooler evenings!


Schick Sehr schick und toll verarbeitet! Aber für eine offene Terrasse/Balkon ist die Wärme für mich ungenügend! Schade da sie sehr stylisch ist!

Chic Very chic and well made! But for an open terrace/balcony the heat is not enough for me! Shame because it is very stylish!


La lampada ha un design adatto a qualsiasi stanza della casa. È di facile utilizzo. Io la uso appesa sopra la cuccia dei cani, per riscaldarli durante la notte. Un ottimo acquisto!

The lamp has a design suitable for any room in the house. It is easy to use. I use it hanging above the dog house, to warm them during the night. A great purchase!


Conforme à nos besoins, ça chauffe bien!!!

Meets our needs, it heats well!!!


Molto semplice da montare , leggero ed efficente , qualitá tedesca .

Very easy to assemble, light and efficient, German quality.


Ha un aspetto che ricorda i lumi artigianali per cui si adatta ad ogni ambiente.Il calore che emana è perfetto per riscaldare una tavola per 6-8 persone.La luce è un valore aggiunto.

It has an appearance reminiscent of handcrafted lights, so it adapts to any environment. The heat it emits is perfect for warming a table for 6-8 people. The light is an added value.


Ottimo prodotto, scalda bene Non sembra una stufetta elettrica e non fa la luce rossa tipica di alcuni di questi prodotti. Ovviamente scalda soltanto nel suo raggio d’azione di 2/3 m

Great product, heats well. It doesn't look like an electric heater and it doesn't give off the red light typical of some of these products. Obviously it only heats within its range of 2/3 m.


Efficace ed elegante

Effective and elegant


La lampada funziona benissimo. Ha qualche difetto a livello del telaio che tiene tutta la copertura intorno,è un po' storta. Per necessità ho preferito non sostituirla. Comunque buon prodotto

The lamp works very well. It has some defects at the level of the frame that holds the entire cover around, it is a little crooked. Out of necessity I preferred not to replace it. However, good product


Excellent produit,fonctionne parfaitement et son design est parfait, je le recommande sans hésiter

Excellent product, works perfectly and its design is perfect, I recommend it without hesitation


Le + : Look très sympa, Le - : Chauffage modéré, prévu pour les fin de soirée en inter-saison , même en vitesse maxi ( les 2 résistances ensembles )

The +: Very nice look, The -: Moderate heating, intended for late evenings in the off-season, even at maximum speed (the 2 resistors together)


Très beau produit...

Very nice product...


Dopo le gelate dello scorso anno e la perdita di molte piante nel mio patio/serra ho deciso di attrezzarmi in tempo per il prossimo inverno, mi serviva una lampada riscaldante che non fosse ingombrante e la mia scelta è ricaduta su questa lampada per le caratteristiche estetiche e il rapporto qualità/prezzo. L'ho testata e riesce a mantenere un piacevole calore per superfici fino a 12m², non inquina grazie agli elementi al carbonio la temperatura può essere regolata anche con telecomando. io l'ho collegata ad un timer in modo da avere sempre la stessa temperatura nell'arco delle 24h. La consiglio a chi come me usufruisce di un patio o di una terrazza anche nei mesi freddi sia per le piante che per stare in compagnia durante una serata fra amici.

After last year's frosts and the loss of many plants in my patio/greenhouse I decided to equip myself in time for next winter, I needed a heating lamp that was not bulky and my choice fell on this lamp for its aesthetic features and quality/price ratio. I tested it and it manages to maintain a pleasant heat for surfaces up to 12m², it does not pollute thanks to the carbon elements the temperature can also be adjusted with remote control. I connected it to a timer so as to always have the same temperature over 24 hours. I recommend it to those like me who use a patio or terrace even in the cold months both for the plants and to spend time in company during an evening with friends.


Ho installato il riscaldatore nel mio giardino. esteticamente è molto bello, sembra una lampada da interni e la finitura nera lo rende elegante. È dotato di un telecomando che permette di accendere e spegnere la luce e di attivare il riscaldatore, con 3 livelli di potenza. In questo modo possiamo continuare a cenare all'esterno anche con temperature non estive.

I installed the heater in my garden. It is very beautiful aesthetically, it looks like an indoor lamp and the black finish makes it elegant. It has a remote control that allows you to turn the light on and off and activate the heater, with 3 power levels. This way we can continue to dine outside even with non-summer temperatures.