[Returns: -15%] The Chiller Swing Lounger
Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty£ 106.99Original price: £ 119.99 -
£ 119.99
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Condition - acceptable, with signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
Top features
Relaxing: swing lounger for relaxing and tanning in your garden, on your terrace or balcony
360 comfort: reclining surface mounted on a perfectly balanced coil spring for 360° oscillating movement
Sturdy construction: robust powder-coated steel piping
- Weatherproof powder-coating against rust and dirt
- Effective length of reclining surface: 185 cm
- Reclining surface width at core of body: 60 cm
- Reclining surface width head/foot end: 40 cm
- Foam protection around spring
- Easy-care, wipeable PVC and polyester reclining surface
- Protective rubber sleeves on armrests
- Weatherproof, sheltering not required
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Measurements: approx. 77 x 85 x 173 cm (WXHXD)
- Weight: approx. 10 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x rocking chair
- English instruction manual (other languages: German)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 6 - 8 days
Absolutely love this chair. Unfortunately due to the rubbish weather in England I haven't yet been able to use it in the garden. Instructions not to clear, but my husband likes a challenge on a rainy Saturday afternoon, so added bonus. Quality is fabulous and unbelievably comfortable with great support for the back.
Super fijne stoel, echt een aanrader, maar na een aantal jaren wordt de bekleding vies en moet het eigenlijk worden vervangen.
Helaas is dit niet mogelijk en zou de stoel weg gegooid moeten worden, in het kader van duurzaamheid Blumfeldt zou het mooi zijn als jullie hier over na gaan denken en de mogelijkheid bieden om nieuwe bekleding aan te bieden, maar buiten dat een perfecte loungestoel
Super nice chair, highly recommended, but after a number of years the upholstery becomes dirty and needs to be replaced. Unfortunately, this is not possible and the chair would have to be thrown away. In the context of Blumfeldt sustainability, it would be nice if you would think about this and offer the option of offering new upholstery, but other than that, a perfect lounge chair.
Ottimo prodotto
Great product
Super Toller relax Liegestuhl. Könnte beim fussteil noch einen Polster vertragen. Für große Menschen.
Super great relaxing lounge chair. Could do with a little more padding on the foot section. For tall people.
La sedia è stata un po’ complicata da montare Ho avuto problemi con i perni m8 Dato che erano sporchi di vernice facevano difficoltà ad entrare la tela L ho dovuta mettere più di una volta in tensione
The chair was a bit complicated to assemble. I had problems with the M8 pins. Since they were dirty with paint, they made it difficult for the canvas to fit in. I had to tension it more than once.
Struttura solida, montaggio non troppo complicato, il telo che forma l'amaca è da stendere bene, una volta sdraiati il mollone inferiore offre un dondolio piacevole, molto soddisfatto
Solid structure, not too complicated assembly, the cloth that forms the hammock must be spread out well, once lying down the lower spring offers a pleasant swing, very satisfied
Ein muss Dieses Teil ist einfach nur Geil Ein absolutes Muss Würde ich jedem empfehlen
A must This thing is just awesome An absolute must I would recommend it to everyone
Tolle liege Leicht ,tolle Qualität und sooo bequem.ich kann die liege nur empfehlen
Great lounger. Light, great quality and sooo comfortable. I can only recommend the lounger
Sooo bequem Lieferung ging ohne Probleme. Aufbau ist wirklich easy, geht auch super alleine, selbst das Schnur einfädeln ging alleine ohne Probleme. Von der Qualität her sehen die liegen super aus,ich hoffe sie halten sehr lange. Sind mega bequem und schaukeln ganz sanft vor sich hin. Kann ich jedem empfehlen
Sooo comfortable. Delivery was problem-free. Assembly is really easy, you can do it all by yourself. Even threading the cord was no problem. The quality looks great, I hope they last a long time. They are super comfortable and swing gently. I can recommend them to everyone.
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Molto bello ,comodo, arrivato in anticipo
Unable to load media content. Very nice, comfortable, arrived early
Super Alees
Super Ales
Super!! Gemütliche und erholsame Liegestuhl.
Great!! Comfortable and relaxing lounge chair.
Die bequemste Liege, auf der ich je lag. Super Liegestuhl. Hab ihn jetzt knapp 3 Wochen und man kommt jedesmal in Versuchung drauf einzuschlafen. Die Kritik in anderen Rezensionen, dass er klappert ist nur der Fall, wenn man die Liefefläche nicht richtig straff zieht. Ich habe es 3x nachgezogen, wodurch die Liegefläche eine angenehmen Festigkeit bekommt und der ganze Sitz auch erst stabilisiert wird. Danach klappert nichts mehr. Versand zügig Aufbauanleitung gut Material für aussen Gebrauch super pflegeleicht. Regen wäscht den Staubeinfach ab. Das verzurren der Sitzfläche kostet bisschen Geduld, wenn man es ordentlich macht, aber das ist der Schlüssel zum vollen Genuss. Aber die Mühe lohnt sich. Die bequemste Liege auf der ich je lag, nicht zu vergleichen, mit deneinfachenStranliegen, wo man nur das Rückenteil hoch klappen kann. Von mir volle 5 Sterne.
The most comfortable lounger I've ever lain on. Great lounger. I've had it for almost 3 weeks now and every time you're tempted to fall asleep on it. The criticism in other reviews that it rattles only happens when you don't pull the lying surface tight enough. I tightened it three times, which gave the lying surface a pleasant firmness and stabilized the whole seat. After that, nothing rattles anymore. Fast shipping, good assembly instructions, material for outdoor use, super easy to clean. Rain simply washes off the dust. Securing the seat takes a bit of patience if you do it properly, but that's the key to full enjoyment. But it's worth the effort. The most comfortable lounger I've ever lain on, not comparable to simple beach loungers where you can only fold up the back section. A full 5 stars from me.
Preis-Leistung stimmen. Die Liege ist sehr bequem und angenehm durch das Schwingen. Jedoch kann man sich nicht 360 Grad drehen. Das hatten wir gedacht. Würde sie aber auf jeden Fall wieder kaufen.
Price-performance ratio is right. The lounger is very comfortable and pleasant because of the swinging motion. However, you can't turn 360 degrees. That's what we thought. But I would definitely buy it again.
Wir sind begeistert Klasse :). Nicht nur ich freue mich, sondern auch die Kinder. Ich habe mir die Liege gekauft, weil ich sie bei meiner Freundin schon gesehen habe und begeistert war. Die Bauanleitung ist ok, könnte aber noch optimiert werden. Wir sind total begeistert. Keine baulichen Mängel. Ich wollte sie nochmal kaufen und jetzt ist sie 25 Euro teurer und vermutlich bleibt es nicht dabei :(. Sowas tolles sollte auch für Menschen erschwinglich sein, die sparsam sein müssen ..... aus welchen Gründen auch immer.
We are delighted, great :). Not only am I happy, but the children are too. I bought the lounger because I had already seen it at my friend's house and was impressed. The assembly instructions are OK, but could be improved. We are absolutely delighted. No structural defects. I wanted to buy it again and now it is 25 euros more expensive and probably won't stay that way :(. Something this great should also be affordable for people who have to be frugal... for whatever reason.
Sedia che è più una sdraio comodissima, io la uso bel portico di casa dopo pranzo ed è comodissima, mi sono appisolato tantissime volte. Per montarla ci ho passato un po di tempo perché per quanto intuitivo il montaggio e le istruzioni, passare la corda attorno a tutto il telaio ci si mette un sacco se lo si vuole fare per bene
Chair that is more of a deckchair very comfortable, I use it on the porch of the house after lunch and it is very comfortable, I have dozed off many times. I spent some time assembling it because although the assembly and instructions are intuitive, passing the rope around the entire frame takes a long time if you want to do it well
Veramente comoda,rilassante essendo sufficientemente larga tanto da potersi sbragare è.....fare qualche giochetto con la mia compagna....ps.se si sale troppo dalla seduta classica ci si rovescia con grandi risate...consiglio questo articolo a chi vuole qualcosa di originale è funzionante, certamente non è semplice sedersi ed alzarsi per via delle sue forme ,ma poi ci si abitua..ogni tanto occorre tendere la fune. (non risulta il mio acquisto perché presa tramite un amico).amazon puntuale come sempre..grazie
Really comfortable, relaxing, being wide enough to be able to stretch out and... play some games with my partner... ps. if you climb too high from the classic seat you fall over with great laughter... I recommend this item to those who want something original, it works, it is certainly not easy to sit down and get up because of its shape, but then you get used to it... every now and then you need to tighten the rope. (it does not appear as my purchase because it was bought through a friend). Amazon punctual as always.. thanks
fair und schnell schöne Liege, entsprechend der Beschreibung
fair and fast beautiful lounger, according to the description
"The Chiller" trifft es! Sehr schwierig war ein Schritt der Montage. Die mittleren Liegeholme (unter den Ledergriffen) müssen unbedingt nach UNTEN zeigen, nicht zur SEITE! Und das geht auch :-) Und beim Seil darauf achten das am Fußteil mit einer doppelten Bindung gestartet wird! Mich hält die Schwingliege tatsächlich aus, wobei ich mit meinem Gewicht schon Angst habe und sehr "vorsichtig" wippe... Meine Frau hingegen hat uneingeschränkten Spaß daran. Man(n) liegt sehr bequem drin!
"The Chiller" is the right word! One step of the assembly was very difficult. The middle bars (under the leather handles) must point DOWNWARDS, not to the SIDE! And that works too :-) And when using the rope, make sure that you start with a double binding at the foot end! The swinging lounger can actually hold me, although I'm a bit scared with my weight and I rock very "carefully"... My wife, on the other hand, has a lot of fun with it. It's very comfortable to lie in!
Molto comodo, a prima vista sembra girevole, invece il tronco sotto nasconde una molla che permette di dondolare, il che e meglio del girevole. La corda va tesa ogni tanto, finché smette di allentarsi, quindi non fatte nodi permanenti.
Very comfortable, at first glance it seems to rotate, instead the trunk underneath hides a spring that allows it to swing, which is better than the rotating one. The rope must be tightened every now and then, until it stops loosening, so do not make permanent knots.
Alles wie erwartet Sehr gemütlich! - wenn man das Kopteil verkehrt einsteckt - rastet zwar nicht ein, hält aber sehr gut. Hoffentlich rostet mir das Ding nicht in einer Saison weg...innen ist wenig Farbe an den Rohren
Everything as expected. Very comfortable! - if you put the head part in the wrong way - it doesn't click into place, but it holds very well. Hopefully the thing won't rust away in one season...there's not much paint on the inside of the pipes
Auf den ersten Blick gut Der Stuhl lässt sich einfach zusammenschrauben. Das Seil muss gut gepannt werden, dann liegt man nicht mit dem Po auf. Habe den Stuhl für meine Schwiegereltern gekauft. Mein Schwiegervater kann den Stuhl leider nicht ohne Hilfe nutzen. Meine Schwiegermutter ist beweglicher und hat ihre Freude daran. Fazit: Für ältere Semester nur bedingt geeignet.
Good at first glance The chair is easy to screw together. The rope must be pulled tight so that your bottom is not resting on it. I bought the chair for my parents-in-law. Unfortunately, my father-in-law cannot use the chair without help. My mother-in-law is more flexible and enjoys it. Conclusion: Only suitable to a limited extent for older people.
Bequeme Schwingliege Heute aufgebaut. Bedienungsanleitung kurz und verständlich. Ein Knopf rastete nicht richtig ein, ging aber nach kurzem Umbau. Nur 12 Schrauben, 2 passende Imbusschlüssel waren dabei. Einziger Wermutstropfen: Die Schnur durchfädeln dauert etwas länger. Liegecomfort 1a. Aufstehen ist aber etwas umständlich durch die Schwingbewegungen. Alles in allem ein guter, bequemer, gut verarbeiteter Liegesessel, der sein Geld wert ist.
Comfortable swinging lounger. Set up today. The operating instructions are short and easy to understand. One button didn't click into place properly, but it worked after a short adjustment. Only 12 screws and 2 matching Allen keys were included. The only downside: threading the cord through takes a little longer. Reclining comfort is first class. Getting up is a little awkward though because of the swinging movements. All in all, a good, comfortable, well-made lounger that is worth the money.
Top Wir sind damit perfekt zufrieden, er lässt sich nur nicht zusammen klappen.
Top We are perfectly happy with it, it just doesn't fold up.
Meine Liege habe ich 2019 (also vor 5 Jahren) gekauft. So sieht diese jetzt aus. zunächst das Positive: * schneller Versand * relativ leichter Aufbau, gut die Schurr gehört schon nachgespannt * bequem, zum chillen absolut geeignet * insgesamt scheint er stabil zu sein * Pulverbeschichtung ist sauber gemacht * Netzgewebe scheint auch ganz gut, Rand sauber verstärkt, Ösen sauber eingepasst. Negativ Über der Feder ist ein kleines Kreuzstück anzuschrauben, welche vier gleichartige Bügel aufnimmt. Diese Bügel schwimmen in den Kreuzstück, soll heißen es ist nicht passgenau. Liegt keiner drauf, so kann man letztlich das ganze Oberteil rumwackeln ohne dass die Feder überhaupt in Aktion gerät. Liegt man drauf, so ist das Problem eigentlich entschärft. Beim Schaukeln merkt man aber dann doch ein gewisses Schwabeln, auch beim Aufstehen und Reinsetzen wackelt es. Ich werde die vier Bügel mit dem Kreuzstück verschweißen. Denke dann bin ich voll zufrieden.
I bought my lounger in 2019 (5 years ago). This is what it looks like now. First the positives: * fast shipping * relatively easy to assemble, the cord needs to be tightened * comfortable, absolutely suitable for chilling * overall it seems stable * powder coating is neatly done * mesh fabric also seems pretty good, edge neatly reinforced, eyelets neatly fitted. Negatives A small crosspiece has to be screwed on above the spring, which holds four similar brackets. These brackets float in the crosspiece, which means it doesn't fit perfectly. If no one is lying on it, the whole upper part can end up wobbling around without the spring even coming into action. If you lie on it, the problem is actually defused. When you swing, however, you do notice a certain wobble, and it wobbles when you stand up and sit down. I'm going to weld the four brackets to the crosspiece. I think then I'll be completely satisfied.
super tolle Liege Die Liege ist im Vergleich zu anderen Liegestühlen einfach der Wahnsinn. Man liegt nicht wie ein Brett oben sondern sie ist ergonomisch perfekt geformt. Super zum Sonnen lassen und relaxen!
Super great lounger The lounger is simply amazing compared to other lounge chairs. You don't lie on top like a board, but it is ergonomically perfectly shaped. Great for sunbathing and relaxing!
ausgezeichnet zum Relaxen Sehr gute Schwingerliege. Ausgezeichnet zum Relaxen. Bedienungsanleitung ungenügend.
Excellent for relaxing. Very good swing chair. Excellent for relaxing. Inadequate instructions.
Himmlische Entspannung Wunderbares Liegegefühl!
Heavenly relaxation Wonderful lying feeling!
Comoda, ergonomica è dal materiale consistente. Lievemente basculante avanti e indietro ma anche lateralemente... un dolce dondolio che va bene sia in casa sia in giardino!
Comfortable, ergonomic and made of sturdy material. Slightly tilting back and forth but also sideways... a gentle swing that is good both at home and in the garden!
nach kleiner Modifikation ... der KNALLER Der Nachteil vorweg: dieser Liegestuhl lässt sich nicht zusammenklappen. Aber für knappe 100 € ein Schnäppchen, wenn man gerne sanft hin- und herschaukelt. In seinem normalen Aufbau funktioniert er so, wie er soll. Man liegt bequem, allerdings eher in "Buchleseposition". Jede eigene Bewegung bringt einen kurz zum Schaukeln. Mit sanftem Hin- und Herbewegen eines Arms z.B. kann man die Schaukelei steuern. Geht dank der Feder in alle Richtungen. Nun zum "Upgrade": 1. Zum tieferen Entspannen ist mir die Rückenpartie zu steil. Da die gesamte Liegefläche aus 3 Teilen besteht, kann man das Rückengestänge umgekehrt einstecken. Zwar rasten diese dann nicht mehr ein, ist aber wurst. 2. Liegestuhlauflage drauf. Schon deutlich bequemer. 3. Um noch flacher zu liegen, lege ich ein Sitzkissen in die Gesäßmulde. Jetzt ist es so chillig, wie es sein soll.
after a small modification... it's a blast. First of all, the disadvantage: this lounge chair cannot be folded up. But for just under €100 it's a bargain if you like to gently rock back and forth. In its normal configuration, it works as it should. You lie comfortably, but more in a "book reading position". Every movement of your own makes you rock briefly. By gently moving an arm back and forth, for example, you can control the rocking. Thanks to the spring, it goes in all directions. Now for the "upgrade": 1. The back section is too steep for me to relax more deeply. Since the entire lying surface consists of 3 parts, you can insert the back rods the other way round. These then no longer lock into place, but that doesn't matter. 2. Lounge chair cushion on top. Much more comfortable. 3. To lie even flatter, I put a seat cushion in the hollow of my buttocks. Now it's as chilled as it should be.
La sdraio è decisamente comoda e rilassante... qualche dubbio sulla possibilità di lasciarla all'aperto come dichiarato dal venditore infatti mi è arrivata già con una piccola tacca di ruggine su un bracciolo, prontamente segnalata... Nel complesso, se tenuta sotto una veranda, è un acquisto che vale
The deckchair is definitely comfortable and relaxing... some doubts about the possibility of leaving it outside as declared by the seller in fact it arrived with a small rust mark on one armrest, promptly reported... Overall, if kept under a veranda, it is a purchase that is worth it