Visionaire Premium Hair Cutting Scissors

£ 33.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Hair scissors
  • Black
Product number: 10045127
Visionaire Premium Hair Cutting Scissors
£ 33.99 (incl. VAT)
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 5 - 7 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period

Top features

  • Like a master hairstylist: Professional Thinning Scissors

  • Professional trimmer: for fringes, ends, beards & haircuts

  • Durable: made of high-quality, brushed stainless steel

Product description

Craftsmanship of the master hairstylists made easy: With the blumfeldt Visionaire Premium thinning scissors, you have a professional tool that can be used for the trimming of every hair type and leaves an extremely smooth and clean haircut. Thanks to the one-sided microserration, the scissors glides evenly through the hair and catches even the smallest of hairs. Therefore, these scissors are particularly suitable for fine hair. It's the perfect all-purpose tool for trimming ends, fringes or beards, but you can just as easily get a whole new haircut.

The exclusive thinning scissors impresses with its very good quality and does not lose its cutting power even after many haircuts. To protect and preserve its quality, the scissors come with a matching case.

An all-rounder in the art of haircutting: the exclusive blumfeldt thinning scissors Visionaire Premium fits comfortably in the hand thanks to the ergonomic handles and are also ideal for novices!


  • professional hair scissors
  • Material: brushed stainless steel
  • one-sided microserration
  • for smooth, clean cuts
  • perfect for fringes, ends & beard
  • for all hair types
  • especially well suited for fine hair
  • plastic case included
Product number: 10045127

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • Dimensions (without case): approx. 14 x 0.6 x 5 cm (LxHxW)

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x thinning scissors
  • 1 x case

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 5 - 7 days

Customer reviews
65 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Guter Schnitt, eine gute Wahl.

Good cut, a good choice.


Die Haarschneideschere war sehr günstig deshalb habe ich Sie gekauft und für den Preis muss man eben zufrieden sein.

The hair cutting scissors were very cheap so I bought them and for the price you have to be happy.


Schneide meinem Mann damit alle 2Monate die Haare stufig. Liegt gut in der Hand.

I use it to cut my husband's hair in layers every two months. It fits well in the hand.


Schneidet super.

Cuts great.


Super Effilierschere. Bin begeistert.

Great thinning scissors. I'm thrilled.


Die Schere schneidet sehr gut und ist megascharf!

The scissors cut very well and are super sharp!


Gute Schere, gut verpackt

Good scissors, well packaged


Seem sharp enough. Let’s hope so

Seem sharp enough. Let’s hope so


Ganz in Ordnung Wir haben sie Schere schon vor einiger Zeit gekauft. Sie macht was sie soll und ist nach Jahren noch scharf genug. Allerdings hätte sich das schwarze Gummi am Griff relativ schnell gelöst. Man kann es zwar immer wieder reinfriemeln aber es stört manchmal etwas.

Very good We bought these scissors some time ago. They do what they're supposed to and are still sharp enough after years of use. However, the black rubber on the handle came off pretty quickly. You can always fiddle it back in, but it's a bit annoying sometimes.


Bestens Bin sehr zufrieden.

Excellent I am very satisfied.


Good scissors The scissors are comfortable to hold and have sharp tongues

Good scissors The scissors are comfortable to hold and have sharp tongues


Good Good for starters.

Good Good for starters.


Scharfe Schere Gut zum schneiden

Sharp scissors Good for cutting


Für privat Gebrauch super Hab mir die Schere bestellt um meine Spitzen zu schneiden, dafür ist sie super.

Great for private use. I ordered the scissors to trim my ends and they're great for that.


Sehr scharf gerne wieder Klein aber sehr scharf erfüllt seinen Zweck voll und ganz

Very spicy would gladly return Small but very spicy fulfills its purpose completely


Gute Qualität Die Schere funktioniert einwandfrei.

Good quality The scissors work perfectly.


Sehr scharf und liegt gut in der Hand Die Scheere macht qualitativ einen sehr guten Eindruck und schneidet jedes einzelne Haar ohne dass es irgendwie „verrutschen“ würde. Auch das Etui erfüllt seinen Zweck.

Very sharp and fits well in the hand. The scissors make a very good impression in terms of quality and cut every single hair without it "slipping". The case also serves its purpose.


Leider nur fast prima Leider fiel gleich beim herausziehen der Schere aus dem Schaft ein Gummiring aus einer der Fingerhalterungen. Das Gummi war zerknickt und nicht formbar.

Unfortunately, only almost great Unfortunately, as soon as I pulled the scissors out of the shaft, a rubber ring fell out of one of the finger holders. The rubber was kinked and not malleable.


Erwartung erfüllt Sie schneidet und liegt gut in der Hand. Meine Erwartung wurde erfüllt.

Expectations fulfilled It cuts and feels good in the hand. My expectations were fulfilled.


Erfüllt meine Erwartungen

Meets my expectations


Die Schere erfüllt meine Erwartungen Die Scheren liegen gut in der Hand und schneidet die Haare gut. Mir gefällt dazu auch, dass ich jeweils ein Etui für die Scheren habe und sie so sicher und gut aufbewahren kann, auch für Reisen.

The scissors meet my expectations. The scissors fit well in the hand and cut the hair well. I also like that I have a case for each scissors so I can store them safely and well, even when traveling.


Gutes Produkt, guter Preis Nach 3 Jahren beruflich und privat Hundepfoten frisieren bestelle ich dieses Produkt nun erneut. Die Schere ist inzwischen stumpf und lässt sich nicht mehr nachstellen. Das ist aber auch in Ordnung, da die Pfoten bekanntermaßen der sandigste Bereich am Hund ist. Sehr zufrieden.

Good product, good price After 3 years of grooming dog paws both professionally and privately, I'm ordering this product again. The scissors are now blunt and can no longer be adjusted. But that's OK, since the paws are known to be the sandiest part of a dog. Very satisfied.


Bonne qualité. Mais je ne l'ai pas encore essayer.

Good quality. But I haven't tried it yet.


Elle s'en sert pour couper les pointes de ses longs cheveux et trouve que la facilité de coupe lui à donné envie de le faire plus souvent. Ses cheveux sont maintenant plus beaux...

She uses it to cut the ends of her long hair and finds that the ease of cutting has made her want to do it more often. Her hair is now more beautiful...


de véritable ciseaux de coiffeur ! top

real hairdresser scissors! top


Para fazer cortes de cabelo em casa, nas minhas mãos amadoras, são perfeitas. Cortes precisos e o cabelo não escorrega na lâmina quando estou a cortar.

For cutting hair at home, in my amateur hands, they are perfect. Precise cuts and the hair does not slip on the blade when I am cutting.


Très bon ciseau a cheveux je recommande

Very good hair scissors I recommend


Muy bueno

Very good


Lo stile qualita' prezzo ottimo le consiglio

The style, quality and price are excellent, I recommend them


Exzellente Haarschere für professionelle Ergebnisse Die Pamara Haarschere Premium hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen und verdient daher eine glatte 5-Sterne-Bewertung. Qualität der Schere: Die Qualität dieser Haarschere ist wirklich herausragend. Sie liegt gut in der Hand, ist gut ausbalanciert und bietet eine präzise Schneidleistung. Die scharfen Klingen ermöglichen müheloses Schneiden, sei es für feine Konturen oder auch für großflächiges Ausdünnen. Die Schere gleitet sanft durch das Haar und liefert stets saubere Schnitte, ohne das Haar zu strapazieren. Professionelle Ergebnisse: Ich bin kein Profi-Friseur, aber mit der Pamara Haarschere Premium fühle ich mich so, als ob ich eine professionelle Schere in den Händen halte. Sie hat meine DIY-Haarschnitte auf ein neues Niveau gehoben. Meine Haare sehen jetzt viel gleichmäßiger und besser geschnitten aus als je zuvor. Haltbarkeit und Verarbeitung: Die Haarschere wirkt robust und gut verarbeitet. Die Klingen behalten auch nach mehreren Anwendungen ihre Schärfe, und die Schere fühlt sich immer noch so an wie am ersten Tag. Der ergonomische Griff sorgt für ein angenehmes Handling, auch bei längeren Schneidesitzungen. Vielseitigkeit: Ob für einfaches Haarschneiden, Ausdünnen oder Konturieren, diese Schere erfüllt verschiedene Anforderungen problemlos. Sie ist vielseitig einsetzbar und eignet sich sowohl für den professionellen Einsatz als auch für den Gebrauch zu Hause. Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis: Die Pamara Haarschere Premium bietet eine hervorragende Leistung zu einem vernünftigen Preis. Angesichts der Qualität, der Präzision und der Haltbarkeit ist sie jeden Cent wert. Fazit: Die Pamara Haarschere Premium hat mich wirklich beeindruckt. Sie liefert professionelle Ergebnisse und bietet eine unschlagbare Leistung für ihren Preis. Wenn Sie nach einer hochwertigen Haarschere suchen, die Ihnen erstklassige Schnittergebnisse liefert, kann ich die Pamara Haarschere Premium wärmstens empfehlen und gebe ihr eine 5-Sterne-Bewertung.

Excellent hair scissors for professional results The Pamara Premium hair scissors exceeded my expectations and therefore deserve a smooth 5-star rating. Quality of the scissors: The quality of these hair scissors is truly outstanding. They fit well in the hand, are well balanced and offer precise cutting performance. The sharp blades allow effortless cutting, be it for fine contours or large-scale thinning. The scissors glide smoothly through the hair and always deliver clean cuts without stressing the hair. Professional results: I'm not a professional hairdresser, but with the Pamara Premium hair scissors I feel like I'm holding professional scissors in my hands. It has taken my DIY haircuts to a new level. My hair now looks much more even and better cut than ever before. Durability and workmanship: The hair scissors seem robust and well made. The blades retain their sharpness even after several uses and the scissors still feel like they did on the first day. The ergonomic handle ensures comfortable handling, even during longer cutting sessions. Versatility: Whether for simple hair cutting, thinning or contouring, these scissors meet various needs with ease. They are versatile and suitable for both professional use and home use. Value for money: The Pamara Hair Scissors Premium offer excellent performance at a reasonable price. Considering the quality, precision and durability, it is worth every penny. Conclusion: The Pamara Hair Scissors Premium really impressed me. It delivers professional results and offers unbeatable performance for its price. If you are looking for a high-quality pair of hair scissors that will give you top-notch cutting results, I can highly recommend the Pamara Hair Scissors Premium and give it a 5-star rating.


tres bon rapport qualite prix. Très agréables à utiliser.

very good value for money. Very pleasant to use.


Pour le prix il ne fait pas s'attendre à plus car un peu rigide surtout si l'on veut faire de la coupe très courte (fondu). Comme ce n'est plus mon cas, pour mes 5 coupes femme dans l'année cet investissement me va parfaitement,. Ces ciseaux ne sont pas adaptés pour les pro. Vu le prix on s'en doute bien !!!

For the price you can't expect more because it's a bit stiff especially if you want to do very short haircuts (fade). As this is no longer my case, for my 5 women's haircuts in the year this investment suits me perfectly. These scissors are not suitable for professionals. Given the price, you can guess that!!!


Parfait et soigné

Perfect and neat


Utilisés très régulièrement pour la coupe des cheveux et la taille de la barbe. Un acier de qualité, une bonne prise en main et une coupe très précise : parfait !

Used very regularly for hair cutting and beard trimming. Quality steel, good grip and very precise cutting: perfect!


Très bon rapport qualité prix !!!

Very good value for money!!!


bonne qualité

good quality


Parfait, bien aiguisés, coupe très bien. Très bon rapport qualité prix

Perfect, well sharpened, cuts very well. Very good value for money


Bon produit.

Good product.


Je viens de le recevoir. Tout a l’air bon, il faut quand même le tester.

I just received it. Everything looks good, still need to test it.


Gli anelli per le dita sono stretti

The finger rings are tight


Ottime per uso casalingo! Mi sono tagliata i capelli da sola con ottima soddisfazione

Great for home use! I cut my own hair with great satisfaction


Forbici di buona fattura, non le ho ancora provate ma sembrano ok. L’unica cosa pensavo fossero un po’ più fini in punta. I fori x le dita sono un po’ piccoli x le mie. Per una donna forse vanno meglio .

Good quality scissors, I haven't tried them yet but they seem ok. The only thing I thought they were a little thinner at the tip. The finger holes are a little small for mine. For a woman maybe they are better.


Belle affilate, di ottima qualità ed ergonomiche. Consigliatissime, e il prezzo non è esagerato.

Beautiful sharp, excellent quality and ergonomic. Highly recommended, and the price is not exaggerated.


Non sono una parrucchiera, ma per ritoccare la frangia o piccoli interventi mi pare funzioni bene. La presa è comoda e il taglio è netto.

I'm not a hairdresser, but for touching up bangs or small interventions it seems to work well. The grip is comfortable and the cut is clean.


coupe bien mais un peut petit

cuts well but a little small


lame affilate e taglio netto. direi che il prezzo è proporzionato alla qualità. è da tanto tempo che mi taglio i capelli da sola, ed ho notato la differenza tra queste forbici e quelle che utilizzavo prima.

sharp blades and clean cut. I would say that the price is proportionate to the quality. I have been cutting my own hair for a long time, and I have noticed the difference between these scissors and the ones I used before.


Colis arrivé rapidement. Ciseaux qui coupent très bien, très précis. Je recommande, elles paraissent peut être chères mais ça vaut le coût!

Package arrived quickly. Scissors that cut very well, very precise. I recommend, they may seem expensive but they are worth the cost!


Usato per fare capelli, taglia benissimo.

Used for making hair, cuts very well.


Ça respire la qualité mais les lames sont un peu courtes et surtout, il faut avoir des doigts fins car sinon c’est compliqué de s’en servir avec aisance

It exudes quality but the blades are a little short and above all, you need to have thin fingers because otherwise it is complicated to use it with ease.


Ottima qualità. Forbici affilatissime per un taglio netto. Grandezza perfetta per un'impugnatura sicura. Non adatte a mani maschili per impugnatura negli anelli troppo precisa. Ottima qualità prezzo.

Excellent quality. Very sharp scissors for a clean cut. Perfect size for a secure grip. Not suitable for male hands due to too precise grip in the rings. Excellent quality for the price.


Belle forbici ma quasi subito si sono smontati i rivestimenti in gomma degli anelli per le dita. A parte questo tutto ok.

Nice scissors but the rubber covers on the finger rings came off almost immediately. Other than that everything is ok.


Comodo e buon rapporto qualità prezzo

Comfortable and good value for money


Tagliano perfettamente anche dopo parecchi tagli. Non perdono il filo, solo i gommini li tolgo prima di usarle, perché durante l'uso si staccano. Per il resto sono felicissima dell'acquisto!

They cut perfectly even after several cuts. They do not lose their edge, I only remove the rubber tips before using them, because they come off during use. For the rest I am very happy with the purchase!


Qualità prezzo equiparate.

Quality/price ratio equal.


Tres bon rapport qualité prix !! Je recommande cet article

Very good value for money!! I recommend this item


Les ciseaux n’ont servi qu’une fois pour le moment. L’article répond aux critères. La pochette de rangement est le petit plus.

The scissors have only been used once so far. The item meets the criteria. The storage pouch is the little extra.


Le ho usate per tagliare i capelli a mia figlia in casa. Non sono parrucchiera .. Tagliano molto bene ,le lame sono ben affilate e l impugnatura comoda. Le consiglio

I used them to cut my daughter's hair at home. I'm not a hairdresser. They cut very well, the blades are very sharp and the grip is comfortable. I recommend them.


Les ciseaux coupent très bien. Ne convient pas aux personnes ayant de gros doigts (pouces)

The scissors cut very well. Not suitable for people with large fingers (thumbs)


Il taglio è Senza infamia e senza lode (più tendente alla lode) , in rapporto al prezzo le straconsiglio, hanno i buchi per le dita un po' piccoli e la gomma con cui sono rivestiti non aiuta, ma c è da dire che io ho le mani grandi anzi Molto grandi infatti mi entra solo la prima falange. Amazon 5 stelle

The cut is neither good nor bad (more likely to be good), in relation to the price I highly recommend them, they have small finger holes and the rubber they are covered with doesn't help, but it must be said that I have large hands, very large in fact only the first phalanx fits in. Amazon 5 stars


Buone forbici, comode per il fai da te. Io le uso per sistemare la frangia e son davvero comode! Buon rapporto qualità prezzo, confezione molto carina e pratica vista la sua bustina nera in cui riporle. Soddisfatta!

Good scissors, convenient for DIY. I use them to fix my fringe and they are really convenient! Good value for money, very nice and practical packaging given its black bag to store them in. Satisfied!


Pour le moment c'est parfait. Je les trouve robustes, précis et les lames faites pour couper les cheveux sont affûtés. En plus il y a une housse pour les ranger et le prix est top par rapport à tout ce que j'ai pu comparer.

So far it's perfect. I find them sturdy, precise and the blades made for cutting hair are sharp. Plus there is a cover to store them and the price is great compared to everything I've been able to compare.


Buone forbici per utilizzo domestico: non sono professionali, nulla di eccezionale ma sono affilate e tagliano bene. Spedizione veloce, buon rapporto qualità/prezzo.

Good scissors for home use: they are not professional, nothing exceptional but they are sharp and cut well. Fast shipping, good quality/price ratio.


Il prodotto è arrivato puntuale come previsto. E' confezionato in custodia similpelle di buona fattura e inserito in una seconda bustina in nylon. TUTTO MOLTO PULITO. E'chiaramente un prodotto ecnonomico per uso domestico tuttavia si presenta molto bene sia per prezzo che per fattezza, misure, calibratura del peso, materiale e affilatura. Con 14 euro lo considero un ottimo acquisto.

The product arrived on time as expected. It is packaged in a good quality leatherette case and inserted in a second nylon bag. ALL VERY CLEAN. It is clearly an economic product for home use however it presents itself very well both in price and in construction, dimensions, weight calibration, material and sharpening. At 14 euros I consider it an excellent purchase.


Non sono una parrucchiera, ma ho comprato queste forbici per tagliare i capelli a mio figlio piccolo che non sta fermo un secondo. Ottime, sono molto affilate e tagliano in un attimo anche se il soggetto non collabora.

I am not a hairdresser, but I bought these scissors to cut the hair of my little son who does not sit still for a second. Excellent, they are very sharp and cut in an instant even if the subject does not cooperate.


Ottime forbici, molto taglienti e precise con un altrettanto ottimo prezzo. Buono anche il guscio credo in eco pelle o simile. Le uso per gestire alcuni punti della barba/baffi che con il semplice rasoio o con le forbici da cartoleria sarebbe un delitto fare. Riescono a tagliare in punta anche un singolo pelo/capello, punta squadrata che evita l'autolesionismo. Consigliate!

Excellent scissors, very sharp and precise with an equally excellent price. The case is also good, I think it is in eco leather or similar. I use them to manage some points of the beard/moustache that with a simple razor or with stationery scissors would be a crime to do. They can cut even a single hair/hair at the tip, square tip that prevents self-harm. Recommended!