[Returns: -10%] Hot Roddy Terrace Infrared Heater
Note: Product is functional + has signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage (e.g. small scratches) on top, front or sides. The original box may be damaged or repacked. Additionally, some parts may be missing such as the user manual, network cable, remote control, filter. Product comes with a 1-year warranty£ 126.99Original price: £ 149.99
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
Top features
As pleasant as the sun: IR Comfort Heat warms you and your guests with healthy infrared rays, even on cool days
Always in use: powerful infrared radiant heater for patio or garden use in every season
Effective: heat generation by up to three quartz heating tubes in the infrared range
- For outdoor use only
- Power: 650/1300/2000 watts
- Effective area: up to 40 m²
- Effective range: approx. 5 m
- Degree of protection: IP34
- No warm-up phase, generates heat immediately
- 3 power levels
- Quartz heating tubes
- Operation via rope pull switch
- Optimal alignment of the heat by means of an extendable stand and a rotating and tilting heating element
- Heating elements create cosy, soft red light
- Extra wide base plate with heavy weight for high stability
- Tilting motion safety switch switches off the device if it falls over or tilts
- Stable metal tripod with black powder coating
- Slidable clamps for secure attachment of the power cable
- Power supply: 220-240 V ~ / 50-60 Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Dimensions: approx. 52 x 177-211 cm (ØxH)
- Heating tube: 1 x 38 cm (ØxH)
- Length of power cable: approx. 180 cm
- Weight rope: approx. 8.2 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x radiant heater (assembly kit)
- Multilingual instruction manual
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 6 - 8 days
No review available for this item.
Calienta rápido y es ideal para terrazas. Pesa para que no se la lleve el viento. La puedes meter en interior
It heats up quickly and is ideal for terraces. It is heavy so that it does not blow away in the wind. You can put it indoors.
Chauffe tres bien. Vaut son prix,vu la chaleur diffusée.
Heats very well. Worth the price, given the heat it gives off.
Muy buena relacion calidad precio
Very good quality-price ratio
bonne qualité apres des galere de livreur , il semble que le fil sois tres court (hauteur du poteau )
good quality after delivery problems, it seems that the wire is very short (height of the post)
Calienta si está cerca. Fácil de montar.
Heats up if nearby. Easy to assemble.
Llevamos poco tiempo pero parece que bastante bien, podría ponerse más bajo de manera más cómoda pero desprende bastante calor
We've only been here for a short time but it seems pretty good. It could be lowered more comfortably but it gives off quite a bit of heat.
Produit nickel. Exactement comme la photo. Chauffe bien. Et le support et lourd pas de risque qu'il tombe. Merci au maximum.
Nickel product. Exactly like the photo. Heats well. And the support is heavy, no risk of it falling. Thank you very much.
Très bon produit, facile à monter et il marche super bien. Je l'utilise à l'intérieur et j'en ai acheté un autre pour l'extérieur. Ils chauffent parfaitement et le fait de pouvoir régler la puissance c'est super Il peut chauffer des pièces de grandes dimensions sans problème.
Very good product, easy to assemble and it works great. I use it indoors and I bought another one for outdoors. They heat perfectly and being able to adjust the power is great. It can heat large rooms without any problem.
Muy buena cualidad. Una de las mejores compras!!Fácil de montar .
Very good quality. One of the best purchases!! Easy to assemble.
Me gusta el calor que da. La cuerda para cambiar d temperatura parece endeble...hay que pasar del 1 al 3 tirando sucesivamente de la cuerda. No se puede seleccionar directamente el nivel de temperatura
I like the heat it gives off. The cord to change the temperature seems flimsy...you have to go from 1 to 3 by successively pulling the cord. You cannot directly select the temperature level.
Fácil de montar, muy eficiente, enseguida se nota el calor incluso en la potencia más baja, la terraza es grande y cumple muy bien su función! Además es bonita sobria y elegante!!
Easy to assemble, very efficient, you can immediately notice the heat even at the lowest power setting, the terrace is large and it does its job very well! It is also beautiful, sober and elegant!!
La estufa cumple con creces su cometido, la verdad que tenía temor por bajo precio en función de lo que cuestan otras. Un acierto
The stove more than fulfills its purpose, the truth is that I was afraid because of the low price compared to what others cost. A success.
La base llegó un poco estropeada (base interna). Cuando me di cuenta quise probarla antes de montarla y ver que funcionaba y nada. Ya empecé a enfadarme…….PERO, no contaba que está estufa (quizás todas) llevan un sistema de seguridad y cuando está en horizontal no se enciende o si está encendida se apaga . Lo he usado 2 veces nada más (a la hora de comer en el almacén) en el nivel 1 (tiene 3) y ya no paso frío. Como punto débil, el cable es muy corto. Saludos
The base arrived a little damaged (internal base). When I realized I wanted to test it before assembling it and see if it worked and nothing. I started to get angry... BUT, I didn't count on the fact that this stove (perhaps all of them) have a safety system and when it is horizontal it doesn't turn on or if it is on it turns off. I have only used it twice (at lunch time in the warehouse) on level 1 (it has 3) and I am no longer cold. As a weak point, the cable is very short. Greetings
Es bonito, y fácil de montar, yo lo uso en el baño con la facilidad de ponerlo donde quiera en cualquier momento, la temperatura en las tres posiciones es buena, la única pega es que el cable de largo es justo para estar al lado del enchufe, pero tiene fácil solución con un alargador, por lo demás perfecto
It's nice and easy to assemble. I use it in the bathroom with the ease of putting it wherever I want at any time. The temperature in the three positions is good. The only drawback is that the cable is just long enough to be next to the plug, but it's easily fixed with an extension cord. Otherwise, it's perfect.
Un poco alta
A little high
Me llegó rápido y muy bien embalado. Se ve robusto y de calidad, pudiendo regular el calor, ya que dispone de 3 barras. La altura es regulable también. Lo he colocado en un porche cubierto para poder disfrutar más tiempo de las zonas del exterior. Cuando me acaben de colocar el enchufe exterior en esa zona, haré fotos y las añadiré. También se puede colocar en el interior de la casa si no quieres encender la calefacción general, con la ventaja que al ser alto no hay peligro para los niños, ni para las mascotas.
It arrived quickly and was very well packaged. It looks robust and of quality, and you can regulate the heat, as it has 3 bars. The height is also adjustable. I have placed it on a covered porch so that I can enjoy the outdoor areas for longer. When they finish installing the outdoor socket in that area, I will take photos and add them. It can also be placed inside the house if you do not want to turn on the general heating, with the advantage that being high there is no danger for children or pets.
La primera que recibí llegó con la caja abierta y no funcionaba. Me devolvieron el dinero y pedí otra. Al principio creíamos que tampoco iba a funcionar, pero esta sí que funciona. Tiene un sistema antivuelco y solo se enciende si está de pie. Finalmente quedamos satisfechos con la compra.
The first one I received arrived with the box open and didn't work. I got my money back and ordered another one. At first we thought it wouldn't work either, but this one does work. It has an anti-tip system and only turns on when it's standing up. In the end we were satisfied with the purchase.
La volvería a comprar sin duda, da un calor agradable e inmediato. La tengo oyesta en una terraza acristalada de unos 18 m2. No calienta toda la estancia, pero puedes estar a gusto en la zona de alrededor y así aprovechar la terraza unos días mas.
I would definitely buy it again, it gives a pleasant and immediate heat. I have it on a glazed terrace of about 18 m2. It doesn't heat the whole room, but you can be comfortable in the surrounding area and thus enjoy the terrace for a few more days.
Llevo tiempo buscando estufas de exterior, setas, de pirámide, por infrarrojos. Al final me decidí por infrarrojos. Casi estaba decidido por la marca Heliosa, de alta gama, y que cuesta 3 veces más que esta, pero un día me salió está en Amazon, y compré tres para hacer una fiesta en Halloween en el porche de mi casa. El resultado espectacular. Cenamos 6 adultos en el exterior, utilizando una o dos resistencias de las tres que trae. He devuelto una porque sólo necesito dos estufas. Otro plus a tener en cuenta, es la movilidad, al no ir atornillada a la pared la puedes colocar en cualquier parte del jardín, y además es telescópica, la puedes subir y bajar. La compra fue un acierto total para aprovechar tu jardín cuando hace frío.
I have been looking for outdoor heaters for a while, mushroom heaters, pyramid heaters, infrared heaters. In the end I decided on infrared heaters. I was almost decided on the high-end Heliosa brand, which costs 3 times more than this one, but one day I found it on Amazon, and I bought three to have a Halloween party on the porch of my house. The result was spectacular. We had dinner with 6 adults outside, using one or two of the three heaters it comes with. I returned one because I only need two heaters. Another plus to keep in mind is the mobility, as it is not screwed to the wall you can place it anywhere in the garden, and it is also telescopic, you can raise and lower it. The purchase was a total success to take advantage of your garden when it is cold.
Lo resumo en: -Materiales de calidad standard. Creo que se ha alcanzado un buen equilibrio. -Rango de calentamiento en exteriores mediano. para estar dos personas en una mesita de jardin. -Lo uso también dentro de casa. -Calidad precio aceptable. -Muy valorable el tema de los tres ajustes de potencia.
I'll summarise it as follows: -Standard quality materials. I think a good balance has been achieved. -Medium heating range outdoors, enough for two people to sit at a garden table. -I also use it inside the house. -Acceptable price-quality ratio. -The three power settings are highly valued.
No se ha podido cargar el contenido multimedia. Saludos! Acabo de recibir esta maravilla! Os voy a contar TODO, para que decidáis que os parece. Llega en una doble caja MUY PROTEGIDA, se monta en 5 min y se nota que los materiales son robustos y de calidad. Tiene un aspecto visual que no luce barato, el pie en negro brillo y lo demás en mate. Una vez conectada calienta MUY RÁPIDO, con la cuerda se elige el nivel 1,2 o 3, y es impresionante el calor que desprende. Yo he comprado 2, las quiero para unas terrazas y Ático y es fundamental que aguante a la intemperie, por eso las he comprado. Pone que tiene IP34, debe aguantar muy bien una lluvia fuerte, la humedad e incluso objetos pequeños sólidos. La altura regulable es una pasada, se echa de menos un poco más de inclinación hacia abajo, aunque peligraría la estructura y se entiende que sea "solo 45°" Tiene un sistema de protección anti vuelcos, si cae se desconecta y solo se conecta si está de nuevo en vertical. *Las instrucciones están en inglés* eso se podría mejorar y añadir el segundo idioma más hablado, EL ESPAÑOL. (MÁS ABAJO OS LAS COPIARÉ ;D ) Un detalle que me ha llamado la atención es que pese a estar echas para exterior, cosa que dicen varias veces, aunque se pueden usar dentro de casa, el enchufe principal debe estar dentro por el alto voltaje, (***tenerlo en cuenta y no lo dejéis enchufado sin supervisión****) Os voy a adjuntar un vídeo para que lo veáis todo, si os ha gustado el comentario u os ha sido útil por favor darle me gusta. Muchas gracias! INSTRUCCIONES Y DEMÁS (TRADUCIDAS) *Instrucciones de seguridad general* Nunca toque su calentador cuando esté en funcionamiento (riesgo de quemaduras). Nunca lo toque con las manos mojadas. Nunca gire la parte de calentamiento del aparato durante el funcionamiento. Para cambiar la inclinación ángulo de la parte de calentamiento, le recomendamos que espere 15 minutos después de que el aparato ha sido apagado. Nunca coloque nada sobre la protección de seguridad de su calentador (por ejemplo, toallas) ya que esto puede causar calentamiento excesivo. Nunca use su aparato para lavar en seco. Aunque el elemento calefactor ha dejado de brillar, aún puede estar vivo y potencialmente peligroso. Compruebe que el indicador de selección está en posición apagado antes de tomar cualquier acción. Apague su aparato después de su uso, en caso de mal funcionamiento o antes de limpiarlo. Nunca opere su aparato si se ha caído. Nunca desmonte su aparato. Un aparato reparado incorrectamente puede ser peligroso al usuario. Si tiene algún problema, diríjase a nuestro servicio de atención al cliente. La garantía quedará anulada en caso de daños derivados de un uso inadecuado. No utilice este calentador en las inmediaciones de un baño, una ducha o una piscina. Este aparato móvil está diseñado para su uso en jardines y se puede utilizar en interiores y exterior. La garantía no se aplicará a los electrodomésticos utilizados para uso profesional. Aunque el calefactor puede usarse en exteriores, el enchufe principal solo debe conectarse a el suministro en interiores. El calentador está provisto de un interruptor anti-inclinación, que apagará el calentador si este es volcado, lo encenderá de nuevo automáticamente cuando vuelva a su posición vertical. *Voltaje* Antes de utilizar el aparato por primera vez, asegúrese de que su tensión de red sea correcta. Responde al voltaje indicado en el aparato. Es un aparato de clase I y debe ser conectado a tierra. *La seguridad* PRECAUCIÓN: Antes de instalar o quitar el aparato, asegúrese de que la energía del calentador La línea que alimenta el calentador está desconectada. Compruebe que la línea de alimentación esté conectada a un Disyuntor diferencial de 30 mA. ¡Este aparato está diseñado para uso en exteriores únicamente! (Imagino por su gran altura y que puede encender el techo si no lleváis cuidado) Cuando se encienden, los aparatos de calefacción eléctrica alcanzan temperaturas muy altas limitadas a causar quemaduras. Asegúrese de que todos los demás usuarios sean conscientes de los riesgos. Si tiene alguna duda sobre las posibilidades de instalación de este calentador, por favor consulte a un electricista calificado. Es posible que los niños, los ancianos y los enfermos no siempre sean conscientes del peligro que entraña utilizando electrodomésticos. Nunca permita que este aparato se use sin supervisión. El aparato debe colocarse de manera que el enchufe sea accesible. Si el cable de alimentación está dañado, debe ser reemplazado por el fabricante o su servicio, agente o persona calificada similar para evitar un peligro. El calentador no debe ubicarse inmediatamente debajo de una toma de corriente. No use este calentador con un programador, temporizador o cualquier otro dispositivo que encienda el calentador automáticamente. Existe riesgo de incendio si el calentador está cubierto o posionado incorrectamente. No coloque el aparato cerca de cortinas y otros materiales combustibles.
The media could not be loaded. Greetings! I just received this marvel! I'm going to tell you EVERYTHING, so you can decide what you think. It comes in a VERY PROTECTED double box, it can be assembled in 5 minutes and you can see that the materials are robust and of quality. It has a visual aspect that does not look cheap, the base in glossy black and the rest in matte. Once connected it heats up VERY FAST, with the cord you choose level 1,2 or 3, and the heat it gives off is impressive. I have bought 2, I want them for some terraces and an attic and it is essential that it can withstand the elements, that is why I bought them. It says it has IP34, it should withstand heavy rain, humidity and even small solid objects very well. The adjustable height is amazing, it would be nice to have a bit more downward tilt, although it would put the structure at risk and it is understandable that it is "only 45°". It has an anti-tip protection system, if it falls it disconnects and only connects if it is vertical again. *The instructions are in English* that could be improved and the second most spoken language could be added, SPANISH. (I WILL COPY THEM BELOW FOR YOU ;D ) One detail that caught my attention is that despite being made for outdoors, which they say several times, although they can be used inside the house, the main plug must be inside due to the high voltage, (***keep this in mind and do not leave it plugged in without supervision****) I am going to attach a video so you can see everything, if you liked the comment or it was useful to you please give it a like. Thank you very much! INSTRUCTIONS AND OTHERS (TRANSLATED) *General safety instructions* Never touch your heater when it is in operation (risk of burns). Never touch it with wet hands. Never turn the heating part of the appliance during operation. To change the tilt angle of the heating part, we recommend that you wait 15 minutes after the appliance has been switched off. Never place anything on the safety guard of your heater (e.g. towels) as this may cause excessive heating. Never use your appliance for dry cleaning. Although the heating element has stopped glowing, it may still be live and potentially dangerous. Check that the selection indicator is in the off position before taking any action. Switch off your appliance after use, in the event of a malfunction or before cleaning it. Never operate your appliance if it has fallen. Never disassemble your appliance. An incorrectly repaired appliance may be dangerous to the user. If you have any problems, please contact our customer service. The warranty will be void in the event of damage resulting from improper use. Do not use this heater in the vicinity of a bath, shower or swimming pool. This mobile appliance is designed for use in gardens and can be used indoors and outdoors. The guarantee will not apply to appliances used for professional use. Although the heater can be used outdoors, the mains plug must only be connected to the supply indoors. The heater is provided with an anti-tilt switch, which will switch the heater off if it is tipped over, switching it on again automatically when it returns to its upright position. *Voltage* Before using the appliance for the first time, ensure that its mains voltage is correct. It responds to the voltage indicated on the appliance. It is a class I appliance and must be earthed. *Safety* CAUTION: Before installing or removing the appliance, ensure that the power to the heater The line supplying the heater is disconnected. Check that the power line is connected to a 30mA differential circuit breaker. This appliance is designed for outdoor use only! (I imagine because of its great height and that it can ignite the ceiling if you are not careful) When switched on, electric heating appliances reach very high temperatures bound to cause burns. Make sure that all other users are aware of the risks. If you are in any doubt about the installation possibilities of this heater, please consult a qualified electrician. Children, the elderly and the infirm may not always be aware of the dangers involved in using electrical appliances. Never allow this appliance to be used without supervision. The appliance must be positioned so that the plug is accessible. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service, agent or similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard. The heater must not be located immediately below a socket outlet. Do not use this heater with a programmer, timer or any other device which switches the heater on automatically. There is a risk of fire if the heater is covered or positioned incorrectly. Do not place the appliance near curtains and other combustible materials.
Para uso en terraza cubierta, da calidez a la estancia. Muy sencilla de montar. Quizá faltaría que se pudiera inclinar un poquito más para dirigir más el foco de calor.
For use on a covered terrace, it provides warmth to the room. Very easy to assemble. Perhaps it would be necessary to tilt it a little more to direct the heat source more.
Lo tenemos en el interior de la casa. Da calor de inmediato, y es lo que queríamos. Calienta la zona solo dónde enfoca y los 3 niveles de calor está muy bien. En general, contentos.
We have it inside the house. It gives off heat immediately, which is what we wanted. It heats only the area where it focuses and the 3 heat levels are great. Overall, we are happy.
Decidí comprarla para seguir quedando con los amigos algún fin de semana en la terraza sin pasar frío. La estufa calienta muy bien el espacio que tengo en la terraza, cuando nos juntamos con los amigos en casa siempre en verano nos gusta estar en este espacio, y ahora aunque haga fresquito también. Lo que más me gusta es aparte de su estética es la rapidez que tiene para caldear el ambiente es muy fácil de montar. La base del pie pesa bastante, lo suficiente para que no se mueva con el aire. Se puede graduar en altura e inclinar el radiador a 45°. El radiador tiene 3 barras calefactoras con 3 posiciones de menor a mayor intensidad de calefacción. Y se enciende con un cordon como si fuera una lámpara. Se puede mojar ya que está cubierta por un revestimiento que impide que el agua penetre y de electricidad.
I decided to buy it to continue meeting up with friends on the terrace on weekends without getting cold. The heater heats the space I have on the terrace very well. When we get together with friends at home in the summer we always like to be in this space, and now even when it's cool. What I like most is, apart from its aesthetics, how quickly it heats up the room. It's very easy to assemble. The base of the foot is quite heavy, enough so that it doesn't move with the air. You can adjust the height and tilt the radiator at 45°. The radiator has 3 heating bars with 3 positions from lowest to highest heating intensity. And it is turned on with a cord as if it were a lamp. It can get wet as it is covered by a coating that prevents water from entering and giving off electricity.
très pratique ce chauffage d'appoint, chauffe rapidement et reste esthétique, du coup jolie lumière orangée, fil un peu court cependant.
This additional heater is very practical, heats up quickly and remains attractive, so it has a nice orange light, although the wire is a bit short.
Ce chauffage d'appoint est plus ou moins destiné pour des terrasses, jardins, balcons, etc., mais il s'avère qu'il m'est très utile dans la maison également. Le 'Hot Roddy' est un véritable chauffage d'appoint, que je déplace au fur et à mesure de mes besoins, sur le balcon, dans le séjour quand il fait froid, pour réchauffer un peu la température dans mon bureau et pour me chauffer un peu le dos quand j'ai mal, un petit coup dans la salle de bain avant la douche de la petite... 3 niveaux de chaleur : le 2 premiers sont suffisants pour l'intérieur, j'utilise le troisième (2000 W) pour l'extérieur. Ca chauffe rapidement, la lampe n'éblouie pas, et c'est drôlement pratique de pouvoir l'utiliser en tant que source de lumière ! Objet très utile, donc, j'achèterai sans doute un deuxième exemplaire pour mon père qui a une maison très froide et qui a été séduit par le Hot Roddy.
This additional heater is more or less intended for terraces, gardens, balconies, etc., but it turns out that it is very useful to me in the house as well. The 'Hot Roddy' is a real additional heater, which I move as and when I need it, on the balcony, in the living room when it is cold, to warm up the temperature a little in my office and to warm my back a little when I have pain, a quick blast in the bathroom before the little one's shower... 3 heat levels: the first 2 are sufficient for indoors, I use the third (2000 W) for outdoors. It heats up quickly, the lamp does not dazzle, and it is really practical to be able to use it as a source of light! Very useful object, so I will probably buy a second one for my father who has a very cold house and who was won over by the Hot Roddy.
Voici un chauffage d'appoint très bien pensé, et de belle qualité. Se monte très facilement, les vis étant pré-inséres dans les endroits où il faut les fixer, ça évite de chercher pendant des heures et de perdre un temps précieux, de l'avis de monsieur ;)) Une fois le montage terminé, il suffit de brancher et de tirer sur la corde. 1 fois, pour allumer la lumière. 1x de plus, pour allumer le chauffage. 1 autre encore pour allumer chauffage ET lumière. Et une dernière ... Pour éteindre. La hauteur est réglable. Parfait pour éviter de cramer son parasol en le mettant trop près du tissu... Ainsi que l'inclinaison. J'aurai aimé pouvoir l'incliner d'avantage encore. Mais bon, c'est perso. Suffisant pour chauffer une petite salle de bain ou une petite terrasse (si vous ouvrez le parasol, la chaleur est rabattue vers le bas ! :)) Si vous êtes une grande tablée, il vous en faudra 2, comme 2 parasol... Perso, je m'en sers aussi pour mes problèmes de dos. La chaleur soulageant mes cervicales ... De part son large pied il est très stable. Un enfant passant vite et le bousculant ne risque pas de le faire tomber. A moins que ce soit très violent. Je trouve ce point aussi important que rassurant. Important aussi, le guide fil qui évite que le câble d'alimentation ne traine partout et qu'on se prenne les mains dedans ! En définitive, je recommande. surtout pour les grandes frileuses comme moi :))
Here is a very well thought out and high quality additional heater. It is very easy to assemble, the screws are pre-inserted in the places where they need to be fixed, it saves you hours of searching and wasting precious time, in the opinion of the gentleman ;)) Once the assembly is finished, just plug it in and pull the cord. 1 time, to turn on the light. 1x more, to turn on the heating. 1 more to turn on the heating AND the light. And one last time... To turn it off. The height is adjustable. Perfect to avoid burning your parasol by placing it too close to the fabric... As well as the tilt. I would have liked to be able to tilt it even more. But hey, that's just me. Enough to heat a small bathroom or a small terrace (if you open the parasol, the heat is pushed down! :)) If you are a large table, you will need 2, like 2 parasols... Personally, I also use it for my back problems. The heat relieving my neck ... Due to its wide base it is very stable. A child passing quickly and jostling it is not likely to make it fall. Unless it is very violent. I find this point as important as it is reassuring. Also important, the wire guide which prevents the power cable from dragging everywhere and getting your hands caught in it! Ultimately, I recommend it. especially for those who are very chilly like me :))
Très sympa ce chauffage. Le pied réglable permet de le mettre à la hauteur souhaitée. La tête elle-même est orientable. Vite monté, l'ensemble est de qualité. Le socle est suffisamment lourd pour que le chauffage soit stable. Le déclenchement avec la petite cordelette est pratique. La puissance de chauffe est bonne. Les niveaux de réglages sont suffisamment bien ajustés pour trouver ce qui nous faut. Le style est plutôt passe partout, un chauffage qui peut s'utiliser un peu partout dans la maison. Matériel robuste et efficace, tarif intéressant compte tenu de la qualité de l'ensemble. Un bon produit.
This heater is very nice. The adjustable foot allows you to put it at the desired height. The head itself is adjustable. Quickly assembled, the whole thing is of good quality. The base is heavy enough for the heater to be stable. The trigger with the small cord is practical. The heating power is good. The adjustment levels are adjusted well enough to find what we need. The style is rather versatile, a heater that can be used almost anywhere in the house. Robust and efficient equipment, attractive price considering the quality of the whole thing. A good product.
NB : Produit reçu gratuitement pour test. Le montage des trois sections de tube qui constituent le support de ce radiateur-lampadaire se fait par les vis préinstallées sur chacun des éléments (il ne faut pas oublier de glisser les guides-câble avant de visser). On peut ensuite visser le tube sur le pied, lourd et stable, et placer le radiateur au sommet, en réglant la hauteur grâce à une dernière section coulissant dans la section haute du tube. Attention, le câble d’alimentation est très court : si le tube est étendu au maximum, la prise arrive juste au niveau du pied. IL faudra donc penser à utiliser une rallonge. Comme la chaleur est assez directionnelle, il est bon de pouvoir régler l’orientation du radiateur. Pour le fonctionnement, c’est très simple, on tire sur le petit cordon, et on passe par 4 états qui sont affichés sur la rotule de la lampe : 0, éteint ; 1, éclairage (assez symbolique) seul ; 2, chauffage seul ; 3, chauffage et éclairage. La notice est en allemand et en anglais, mais il n’y a guère d’ambigüité sur la manipulation, hormis sur signification de ces chiffres. La mise en chauffe est rapide et est bien agréable dans un atelier sans autre source de chaleur !
NB: Product received free of charge for testing. The assembly of the three sections of tube that make up the support of this radiator-floor lamp is done by the screws pre-installed on each of the elements (do not forget to slide the cable guides before screwing). We can then screw the tube onto the foot, heavy and stable, and place the radiator at the top, adjusting the height using a last section sliding in the upper section of the tube. Be careful, the power cable is very short: if the tube is extended to the maximum, the plug reaches just at the foot. It will therefore be necessary to consider using an extension cord. As the heat is quite directional, it is good to be able to adjust the orientation of the radiator. For operation, it is very simple, we pull on the small cord, and we go through 4 states which are displayed on the ball joint of the lamp: 0, off; 1, lighting (quite symbolic) only; 2, heating only; 3, heating and lighting. The instructions are in German and English, but there is little ambiguity about the handling, except for the meaning of these numbers. The heating is quick and is very pleasant in a workshop without any other heat source!
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Depuis quelques années, les parasols chauffants ont investi les terrasses et on peut alors profiter d'un café en extérieur avec des températures avoisinant le 0°C. Ce produit se démocratisant, on en trouve à présent à des prix abordables. C'est le cas du modèle vendu par Duramaxx, le 1300W qui s'affiche à 69,90€ (le 10/10/15). Il arrive dans un grand carton de protection où il est à nouveau dans un carton très bien emballé et protégé. Il est livré en kit mais il se monte les doigts dans le nez en moins de 10 min (notice en allemand et anglais pas franchement utile). Déplié au maximum, il monte à 2,12 mètres. Son pied forcément lourd et imposant fait 50 cm de diamètre. Avec ce soleil d'automne et les soirées qui fraîchissent rapidement, l'occasion était rêvée de tester le chauffage d'appoint en terrasse dans des conditions optimales (pas de vent). S'il chauffe rapidement, la désillusion s'est vite fait sentir par l'ensemble de la tablée: on ne sentait pas grand chose. Partant du principe que le chaleur monte, je décide de le mettre en position minimale sur ses 3 pieds (1,77 m) avec un constant encore décevant: ça chauffe certes mais les 10 degrés extérieurs se font sentir. Les blousons sont de sortie! Un peu frustré, je décide de sacrifier un pied et passe alors à la grandeur mini (1,34 à 1,68 m). Là le chauffage se sait sentir mais seulement pour les deux personnes les plus à proximité. Les 2 autres le sentent aussi (je n'avais pour ma part qu'un pull léger) mais moins. Du coup, je pense qu'il faut 2 panneaux pour couvrir une table normale ou alors investir dans celui de 2000W. Passons à la lampe qui semble de prime abord assez ridicule. Une ampoule de rechange est livrée ce qui est toujours une bonne chose surtout vu le format de l'ampoule assez rare (G9 230V 20W). La nuit venant, j'active la 3ème position à l'aide de la cordelette (1: lumière, 2: chauffage, 3: chauffage et lumière). Et là, bonne surprise. Cela éclaire suffisamment sans éblouir, créant une petite lumière d'ambiance, juste ce qu'il faut. Le compromis est bien trouvé ici. La nuit étant tombée, la table débarrassée, j'ai pu tester la 2ème position (sans lumière donc) puisque tout le monde s'est groupé près du chauffage pour profiter de la belle nuit étoilée qui se profilait toujours dans la même position à 1,34 mètre. Bref, au final, l'expérience fut concluante et mérite d'être renouvelée. Toutefois, ce chauffage à 1300W ne fera guère de miracle. Pour une table basique, il faut au moins en mettre 2. Surtout, il est beaucoup trop haut et ne servira jamais dans cette position car assis à table, on sent à peine la chaleur. Il convient de retirer un pied et de le mettre à hauteur de table si on veut en profiter. Il faudra alors veiller à ne pas se blesser car la grille chauffe fort. L'avantage est qu'il peut aussi servir de chauffage d'appoint car il est assez mobile et son poids n'est pas trop handicapant (utile en terrasse avec du vent). En 2000W, il doit assurément se montrer plus convaincant. - Ce produit m'a été fourni gracieusement par le distributeur pour une évaluation. -
The multimedia product could not be loaded. In recent years, patio heaters have been used on terraces and you can now enjoy a coffee outside with temperatures around 0°C. As this product becomes more widespread, you can now find them at affordable prices. This is the case for the model sold by Duramaxx, the 1300W which is priced at €69.90 (on 10/10/15). It arrives in a large protective box where it is again in a very well-packaged and protected box. It is delivered as a kit but can be assembled with ease in less than 10 minutes (instructions in German and English are not particularly useful). When fully unfolded, it rises to 2.12 metres. Its necessarily heavy and imposing base is 50 cm in diameter. With this autumn sun and the evenings that are quickly getting cooler, this was the perfect opportunity to test the additional heating on the terrace in optimal conditions (no wind). If it heats up quickly, the disillusionment was quickly felt by the whole table: we didn't feel much. Assuming that heat rises, I decided to put it in the minimum position on its 3 feet (1.77 m) with a constant that was still disappointing: it certainly heats up but the 10 degrees outside are felt. The jackets are out! A little frustrated, I decide to sacrifice a foot and then go to the minimum size (1.34 to 1.68 m). There the heating can be felt but only for the two people closest to it. The other 2 feel it too (I only had a light sweater) but less. So, I think that you need 2 panels to cover a normal table or invest in the 2000W one. Let's move on to the lamp which seems quite ridiculous at first glance. A replacement bulb is supplied which is always a good thing especially given the fairly rare bulb format (G9 230V 20W). As night falls, I activate the 3rd position using the cord (1: light, 2: heating, 3: heating and light). And there, a nice surprise. It lights up enough without dazzling, creating a little ambient light, just what is needed. The compromise is well found here. Night having fallen, the table cleared, I was able to test the 2nd position (without light therefore) since everyone gathered near the heater to enjoy the beautiful starry night which was still looming in the same position at 1.34 meters. In short, in the end, the experience was conclusive and deserves to be repeated. However, this 1300W heater will hardly work miracles. For a basic table, you need at least 2. Above all, it is much too high and will never be used in this position because sitting at the table, you barely feel the heat. You should remove a foot and put it at table height if you want to enjoy it. You will then have to be careful not to hurt yourself because the grid heats up a lot. The advantage is that it can also be used as additional heating because it is quite mobile and its weight is not too handicapping (useful on a terrace with wind). In 2000W, it must certainly be more convincing. - This product was kindly provided to me by the distributor for an evaluation. -
Tout d'abord le montage. Sans utiliser la notice, ça m'a pris une dizaine de minutes. (c'est plus rapide si vous avez une visseuse dévisseuse). Les vis ne sont pas dans le carton, mais déjà fixé sur le pied et les tronçons. Il faut les retirer puis les remettre au moment de l'assemblage. Une fois monté, pas de soucis à avoir avec l'utilisation qui est très simple. Il suffit de tirer la cordelette pour l'allumer ou en changer la puissance. Pour la puissance, quand je le mets à fond (niveau 3), ma chambre d'une quinzaine de m² se réchauffe en quelques minutes. Je laisse ensuite sur le niveau 1 pour maintenir une température agréable (mais pas non plus très chaude). Il est possible de ne mettre que 2 des 3 tronçons pour qu'il soit moins haut. Deux reproches : - le pied qui est, je trouve trop large et un peu lourd. - pas de minuteur ou de télécommande (obligé de l'éteindre avant de s'endormir), juste une petite ficelle qui fait office d'interrupteur
First of all, the assembly. Without using the instructions, it took me about ten minutes. (It's faster if you have a screwdriver). The screws are not in the box, but already fixed on the foot and the sections. You have to remove them and then put them back when assembling. Once assembled, no worries about using it, which is very simple. Just pull the cord to turn it on or change the power. For the power, when I put it on full (level 3), my room of about fifteen m² heats up in a few minutes. I then leave it on level 1 to maintain a pleasant temperature (but not very hot either). It is possible to only put 2 of the 3 sections so that it is less high. Two criticisms: - the foot which is, I find too wide and a little heavy. - no timer or remote control (have to turn it off before going to sleep), just a small string that acts as a switch
Excellente idée que ce lampadaire chauffant et éclairant. Il est livré à monter avec une petite notice allemand/anglais. Toutefois il est inutile de demander la version française car l’opération est aisée. DURAMAXX fournit une ampoule de rechange format G9 d’une puissance de 20 Watts. Montage : A partir du socle lesté, repérez dessus la position du tube ayant une embase. Ce sont les 4 vis qui ne sont pas serrées. Enfilez ensuite le cache plastique et procédez en suivant pour les 2 autres tubes en prenant soin de faire coulisser les clamps de maintien du fil électrique. Vous pouvez mettre les clamps ou pas, c’est selon votre choix. Le tube supérieur est muni d’une collerette de serrage permettant son extension. Puis emboîtez la lampe et serrez la vis moletée. Notez, La pendule murale qui apparaît sur une photo est une Blumfedt Paddington. Utilisation : une tirette à 4 positions avec indicateur. 0: OFF 1: lampe 2: Chauffage, niveau unique 1300 Watts 3: Chauffage + Lampe Remarques Le chauffage est efficace et l’on ressent une sensation de bien-être. Sur une grande table en extérieur, on choisira le modèle 2000 Watts ou mieux 2 chauffages de 1300 Watts. La lampe apporte un plus évident. Parmi les avantages, la mobilité, l’efficacité, la polyvalence d’emploi. Ce chauffage sera apprécié en cabinet de kinésithérapie ou en zone 3 d’une salle de bain. L’annonce indique un classement IPX 4 qui correspond à des projections d’eau de toutes directions, cependant aucune mention de ce type ne figure sur le chauffage hormis WATERPROOF. Cette dernière n’est pas reconnue par la norme CEI 60529. Conclusion Ce chauffage électrique autorise une grande souplesse d’emploi que ne permet pas un modèle à gaz. Il existe en 2 versions : 1300 ou 2000 Watts. Le chauffage par quartz intervient rapidement. La tête s’incline de 90° à 45°, on aurait préféré une orientation plus vers le bas pour une table à langer ou en kinésithérapie. La position 90° pourra servir en bricolage pour sécher un objet ou une peinture. On regrette l’absence de variateur pour une plus grande polyvalence. Pourtant à environ 80€ quelque soit le modèle, DURAMAXX fournit un produit qui répond aux attentes les plus courantes. Esthétique fine, coloris noir favorise l’assimilation dans le décor.
Excellent idea for this heating and lighting floor lamp. It comes with a small German/English manual to assemble. However, there is no need to ask for the French version because the operation is easy. DURAMAXX provides a replacement G9 bulb with a power of 20 Watts. Assembly: From the weighted base, mark the position of the tube with a base on it. These are the 4 screws that are not tightened. Then put on the plastic cover and proceed as follows for the other 2 tubes, taking care to slide the clamps holding the electric wire. You can put the clamps or not, it's up to you. The upper tube is equipped with a clamping collar allowing it to extend. Then fit the lamp and tighten the knurled screw. Note, The wall clock that appears in a photo is a Blumfedt Paddington. Use: a 4-position pull with indicator. 0: OFF 1: lamp 2: Heating, single level 1300 Watts 3: Heating + Lamp Comments The heating is efficient and you feel a sense of well-being. On a large outdoor table, you will choose the 2000 Watt model or better 2 1300 Watt heaters. The lamp provides an obvious plus. Among the advantages, mobility, efficiency, versatility of use. This heater will be appreciated in a physiotherapy office or in zone 3 of a bathroom. The advert indicates an IPX 4 classification which corresponds to water splashes from all directions, however no mention of this type appears on the heater except WATERPROOF. The latter is not recognised by the IEC 60529 standard. Conclusion This electric heater allows great flexibility of use that a gas model does not allow. It is available in 2 versions: 1300 or 2000 Watts. Quartz heating intervenes quickly. The head tilts from 90° to 45°, we would have preferred a more downward orientation for a changing table or in physiotherapy. The 90° position can be used in DIY to dry an object or a painting. We regret the absence of a dimmer for greater versatility. However, at around €80 regardless of the model, DURAMAXX provides a product that meets the most common expectations. Fine aesthetics, black color promotes assimilation into the decor.